
All photography on this website is by Matthew Newton, unless otherwise stated. Photographer’s names and copyright details are credited on this website in-situ where it's possible to do so, and as listed below.

An adult wombat and a joey climbing down a sandstone escarpment.

The Quoin team

A group of Forester kangaroo feeding at Stocker's Bottom.

The Quoin team

A wombat and joey shuffle alongside The Island's boundary.

The Quoin team

A rare daytime snap of a typically nocturnal quoll.

The Quoin team

In addition to native animals, hundreds of deer also call The Quoin home.

The Quoin team

Eastern quolls always have spots — but their fur is either fawn or black. This is a fawn morph quoll.

A black morph eastern quoll.

The project's team and volunteers inspecting invertebrate traps to identify food availability for eastern quoll.

The Quoin team

Quolls will be released on the southern half of the property.

The Quoin team

The experiment area will span all the way to The Quoin's southern edge at the banks of Tinamirakuna/the Macquarie River.

The Quoin team

As a result of attending the event, three volunteers later returned later to collect Pomaderris phylicifolia subsp phylicifolia seeds for the Tasmanian Seed Bank.

Tasmanian Seed Conservation Centre

Pomaderris phylicifolia subsp phylicifolia seeds were collected from approximately 150 plants across a roughly 5-hectare area.

Tasmanian Seed Conservation Centre